Mining Doge Coin in my Closet Update

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and today we're taking a look at my Doge 3 plus so this is a Asic Miner from gold shell and I've had this one running and I leave it in my closet uh and she's been steady for a significant amount of time now I think a little over a month inside uh puts off a good amount of heat we'll go over the profitability and also the Heat and that kind of thing um once we get outside on the computer I'll pull up the dashboard but I figured I would show you guys where it's at how it's running that kind of thing and the reason why I love this little box so much all right so I had to get a chair so I could step on it cuz I have it on my top shelf in my closet this is the uh brandoncoin branded Doge Miner 3+ uh this is dogecoins or sorry this is gold Shell's latest uh inh home box Doge Miner and uh this is the one that they Incorporated the power supply inside of the unit so all this plug is right here it just goes down and plugs into the wall there's no external power supply no power brick uh nothing like that it's all built into the unit so that's super super simple and super easy to make it able to deploy anywhere without having any extra hardware and the other thing you'll notice is I don't have the ethernet plugged in that's that's because it does have a Wi-Fi antenna and it's plugged in with Wi-Fi so that makes this unit even easier to deploy you don't need any wires except for a power cord in a location that has Wi-Fi now uh this is the intake side and I have the exhaust over here so realistically and this is something that I've been wanting to do uh every time I walk in my closet I just had to carry a chair in here I need to turn this around yeah there we go so we'll turn this bad boy around make sure it's got enough slack there now it's actually pushing the heat not up against the wall but out into my closet uh my wife has noticed especially on some of the warmer days when it's been like mid 60s outside she's like our closet's a little warm and I'm like yeah we do keep the uh the door closed to the bathroom and the closet most of the time um but we're coming into the winter time so this extra heat is actually going to be a blessing because uh it'll just be less heat that I have to pump into my entire house so let's go look at the profitability and take a look if one of these things makes sense for you to get so with the recent rise of not only Dogecoin but Bell's coin and Litecoin which are all merg minable at the same time and I have that device mining to mining Dutch and it's mining all those coins all at the same same time they're actually it's actually mining a couple more as well I'll show you that but the fact that all of those coins are up and they're very profitable leads to that device going up in in price unfortunately the way that Asic resellers or Asic sellers in general price their things they price them off of profitability most of the time they don't necessarily price them off of like Hardware cost so if a device is making a lot of money it's going to cost a lot of money if a device is making less money the price is going to down if it's making more money as time goes on the price will go up because demand and Supply EB and flow with uh those figures and those numbers so just take that into account we'll also go over current pricing but uh profitability and pricing are subject to change at any moment because it's always an Ever Changing landscape that's why I do update videos all right so starting off from the top over at Asic minor value this is a website that can show you you what A6 are earning here's the Doge 3 plus the same unit that I was just showing you in my uh closet and you'll notice oh it says this unit makes $211 per day electricity is 120 per day so it profits 91 cents a day well that's where uh doing these update videos can help people um with the correct information because this doesn't always give the best information because if we go over to my actual mining pool where I'm mining uh on the 2nd of December from the beginning of the day to the end of the day in Dogecoin I mined 8.3 Dogecoin and that came out to $332 not to mention the fact that you also get Litecoin and I mind 14 cents in Litecoin and we also get uh Bell's coin which I Min one penny in Bell's coin so not a lot in my merge mind coins I mean realistically we can say5 cents on top of the 332 um so what's that come out to what 347 347 is significantly higher than 21 when you talk about percentage points um I mean we're talking about like what 50 to 60% more than what's being reported on here now obviously this website probably airs on the side of caution just like of a lot of other websites I'm actually curious if we go to um what and let's go to script and let's type in it's 800 gash at I think it's 500 watts and on here wait script is 800 megahash it's 800 megahash which is8 gigahash I believe yeah okay okay so on here if I had it on nice has it would be doing $310 a day if I was direct mining Doge um or well getting Doge through um regardless just going direct through Litecoin and getting Doge payouts $288 a day so this is closer a lot closer than Asic minor value I don't know if maybe there something on their ends reporting off um but yeah that's that's why I do update videos like this because uh people just need the most upto-date and current information if they're going to go out and buy these kinds of devices so so far um can I recommend this device for its you know uptime reliability yes absolutely I have not had a single issue out of this device I literally logged into it one time set it up uh and then after I set it up I have not had to use like mess with this device at all uh the only other thing I had to do was I moved it a couple times but other than that this this thing has been Rock Solid now as for price um let's go to Gold shell directly and see they don't always have the the best prices but we'll give it a look it'll load I have like a spot on my monitor right there I got some scratches all right so gold shell Box series their website's loading really slow okay so gold shell mini Doge 3 plus $766 that's actually not a bad deal in my opinion handling time 14 working days and you can save $20 on your first order right now um I wonder what the shipping cost on this is say it's free shipping well it'll be updated during checkout let me put my address in and see what it comes out to well I put my address in and it updated and it said I'm eligible for free shipping so uh it looks like it says there's a 15-day handling time so that is unfortunate I mean 15 days would put us right in Prime Time shipping season for like Christmas so that would lead me to believe we may run into other issues and then also being that it's coming from gold shell uh and it's over $600 I think that puts us at risk for having to pay the the import tariff I don't know 100% if that's true or not I'm going to do some more research but um I looked for us stock of these these devices and they are in stock over at Bitcoin merch and it looks like the Doge 3 plus after my discount Brandon 4 is right at $1,248 and then the Doge 3 which is a little bit weaker version it only does 700 megahash instead of 800 and it does not have an integrated power supply is $1,000 um after my discount but uh yeah yeah I'm going to find out about the whole tariff issue and then I'll get back to you guys because if this is the price I'm considering just going to buy one of these devices cuz that's not a bad price now as for like profit ility and having it pay itself off uh I'm deploying these inside my house so I would have to run heat if I wasn't running this uh which means I'd be burning electricity so if I can make $3 a day you know this thing can make its money back in 200 days obviously winter doesn't last 200 days but it ain't bad it ain't bad there there are worse buys I'll be right back all right well looking into it further it looks like if you buy direct from gold shell you are on the hook for uh at least least a 20% tariff if not 25% tariff um it looks like that was different for different areas uh I'm just speaking for the US so obviously do your research whenever you're buying something and it's coming from overseas but I mean that price is not as attractive when I tack on 20% um so yeah yeah now if you were going to buy one of these obviously you're probably watching videos like this uh do your own research there are other devices out there that can achieve higher hash rates and might be a better value dollar per Mega hash so I have some of those coming in I'd love to review them and get them you know going but uh for right now that's that's about all I have for the Doge stuff I do have a mini Doge one I need to get that back up and running but it does not hold a candle uh hash rate wise to a lot of these other devices but so anyways thanks for coming out guys really appreciate yall yall being on my videos and commenting and all the interactions um also everybody that's subscribing thank you we're getting close to 92,000 so we're going to keep chugging away and uh before you know it we might hit that old six-digit Mark but yeah goodbye have a good night adios

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