ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we are in the shop today I am getting over a little bit of a sickness um my kids had the the I for like the last 3 or 4 days they've been running a fever and now they gave it to me I'm a little congested but I'm here packing up the last few orders that I had and um I just had a call and it was a guy that I was trying to work out a deal with previously he said originally that the price didn't end up working but he called me back and he said the price is going to be working now so um that's potentially a lot of 309s I'm going to take his word with a grain of salt but you know what time it is it's time to move some inventory so I have a ton of AMD cards right now and we're going to be doing um we're going to be doing another sale so if you need some AMD cards especially some 5700 or 5700 XTS might be a good time to scoop some um I do have some that are no fans some that are aftermarket fans some with the stock shrouds so just look down below they're going to be down below in the um in the shop and uh man goodness it's one of those days um you know what we're going to do it for freak it we're going to do a sale on everything you spend $400 you get $100 off just like last time that sale did really really good let's go back to it that's like 25% off ladies and gentlemen so yeah man I feel like a pilot dooo um in other news uh my brain's not working right now oh in other news figure out I'll let you guys know cuz I've been working on the videos the last few days it's just been a struggle with um you know my onset of my my sickness um have been turning on some AI rental rigs just comparing some of the platforms uh salad is one of them they actually uh they had a rep reach out to me and they wanted me to do like some paid Fufu article and I'm like it's not really my thing um so I told them politely declined and originally I wasn't even going to look at their platform cuz I looked at it didn't see much profitability but then I came back to it and I am going to be doing a video reviewing it um but it's not going to be a paid review it's just going to be me giving you like honest one take unbiased review uh and so far it's good when it's good and it's not good when it's not good so right now I have three rigs running on it and only one rig has a job so if you're not familiar if you're renting out on AI if you don't have a job you're not making any money now you can do mining while you're not doing a job but the systems that you have to put together don't make sense from for mining normally because there single GPU High Ram High Core count uh they're good for compute so yeah anyways I ain't going to hold y'all up it's um I need to go get some fresh air it feels like I feel like w already took some DayQuil I think that's the only thing keeping me upright right now oh Big Stretch good KD well let me go and turn that automatic discount on so by the time this video goes up you guys can use it spend $400 on on my web store get $100 off at checkout uh I do apologize apparently some of the automated shipping results have been wonky and uh shipping outside the US to certain areas the price has gone up significantly I think that's due to stuff that's going on overseas I have no control over shipping rates those automated shipping rates are that's all built in to the platform and they're constantly changing so you know one guy said hey I bought a GPU last week it was this much I bought a GPU you know this week it's that much I'm like man I I just can't I can't control it now in the U in the US the shipping rates do stay significantly more stable but uh oh crap all right I'm going I'm finishing this and I'm going to bed later guys