he [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day I bought six mining frames off Amazon just going to open one here for you guys and show you what mining frame I got and this is going to be for my CPU mining rigs you guys may be asking red panda why are you building a mining frame for your CPU mining rigs well it's actually going to go hand inand utilizing gpus now I don't know how this goes together okay I got to had to flip it around I think it lines up yeah lines up like this just like this so look at that so this is where I'm planning to have a CPU motherboard Ram combo you guys know I have a whole bunch ATX PS goes over here or maybe a server power supply you know what let me just quickly build this okay there it is so there's four screws that I had to screw in for this plate here to go on this platform here then there was also nine motherboard standoff screws here and they actually had a neat tool here to be able to screw them into the board here which is really nice really good I was looking for for a tool thankfully they had this in there so yeah this whole motherboard set I got off Amazon is about $ 20 to $25 so link down below if you guys are interested in this but let me tell you the reasonings why here look I have an SSD here and you know typical motherboard is going to sit sit like this right so when I have it like that let me take you guys with me here okay so when I have it like this as you guys can see oh it looks like I can put the io uh Shield here as well that's pretty good so I'm going to get a CPU Cooler I have a 5950xt gigs of RAM and then I will put an ATX PSU here and this is going to be essentially a portable modular in a way kind of like CPU mining rig but I can also do some GPU mining but actually be able to utilize the x16 slot I guess not for mining but mainly for some type of proof of use of work or some machine learning type of thing which you guys saw a video I did recently on node AI with this 3090 rig still making a good 122 to $24 a day after well maybe like $12 a day after the $12 ethereum fee but anyway yeah this this rig has been doing just great so I thought to myself I have a bunch of 550x CPU motherboard combos also 3900x CPU motherboard combos uh the 5950 XS are here that I wanted to convert six of them into these types of setups so I can have the ability to put at least you know two gpus per per rig here and uh be able to utilize either for mining for CPU mining I don't know some node AI vast.
Aai you know probably not vast. a but you know some type of platform that I can rent out these these Rigs and you know they're easy to you know move and change up if I wanted to and there's also the pcie notch there so the the graphic card will slide in so that's like no issue here two brackets here so this is actually meant for a uh eight slotted uh motherboard here typical motherboard ATX slot here ATX size computer case essentially like an open air which on the Amazon ad this actually advertises as a like a mining frame but I think of it as like maybe like a half uh computer case or something like an open air computer case because it's just it looks like this and there's no like step for your gpus on top right it's just you're putting the gpus on this side instead so I thought this was a pretty neat idea um I'm going to have to get some more ATX PSU which I do have I have have a bunch of 850 Watts 1,000 watt 1200 watts should be able to put it uh right here and then yeah go to town right able to do some fun stuff and participate in maybe the fluxes you know fux core for proof of useful work or something like that and uh yeah put an SSD here so yeah I just wanted to Showcase this pretty cheap mining frame on Amazon and My reasonings for why I bought it and how I can utilize the slots instead of having you know risers or you know ribbon cables like like I have on this 12 GPU mining frame which I love by the way the way I did this 3090 rig and then I have the x16 uh ribbon cables going to this thread Ripper motherboard so I'm able to utilize the full PC x16 PC Lanes on these slots which uh This Thread Ripper does support for all three simultaneously so yeah I really do love the way I have it all like this but I guess for you know each of these little guys I'll probably just have one GPU maybe two depending on the motherboard for this type of setup here okay so let me know what you guys think about this motherboard or mining frame for you know mining or CPU mining or some type of platform to utilize these I think it's pretty cool really light really light as as well okay I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out oh you know what I could have it like this yeah no it'll probably it'll probably tip over uh h no oh yeah this might be good for like some cooling because the CPU is going to be open on the back hey you know what that might be interesting to try to have this elevated on like a shelf or something or I don't know table mining like this yeah maybe maybe B